Friday, October 28, 2011

Tickled Pink

I am pleased as punch to announce that "Cupcake", the vintage dresser I had decided to sell and donate the proceeds to the Susan G. Komen foundation, has SOLD!!  Yeah!  Thank you Kristy!  They will pick up the dresser today and the donation will go in at the same time.  It makes me happy to support such a worthy foundation.  Thanks to all who stopped by to check out Cupcake during the past week.  I'm hoping to make this an annual event. 
Being thankful,


  1. Congratulations on selling this beautiful piece of furniture and donating the proceeds to the Susan G. Komen foundation! We would love to have you link up this dresser to our special link party, Habitat Heros. This link party is specifically for furniture projects that are then donated to charity. Each week a project will be featured and prizes will be awarded at the end of the party. Click on the link for more information, and let me know if you have any questions.


Go ahead and say something, it will make my day!