Monday, October 29, 2012

Still Kickin'!

Hello Friends!

Yep, I'm still kickin'.  After a bout of back issues that has taken me out of the workshop for a bit.  Though I do hope to have 1 reveal of something that I limped through (or almost through) last week.
Anyhoo, I did want to let all of my local followers know that I bit the bullet, so to speak, and put a lovely, lovely buffet up for sale at NJ & Co.
That top turned out soooooo nice.  It is a Drexel and in lovely condition, and I battled myself to let her go.  We'll see what happens.  I need to get some better photos of this gal, but I really didn't think I would be letting her go.

I've also used the whole sore back time to finish up some little projects that just didn't get done before PM.  There is always more on my list than I end up having time for. 
I made a TON of these little sweater pumpkins.  Mostly just because they are so much fun to do.  I don't have those TONS of pumpkins to show you photos of because I hauled them down to NJ & Co. too.  So I guess you'll just have to head down to the shop and, well, shop! :-)

I've been embellishing these little, and some big, babies with my collection of vintage buttons, and vintage jewelry.  Lots of bling, and sparkles, and neat old buttons and broaches. 
This is the one my Ellie ended up with (after I pried the other 6 out of her little hands).  She often covets whatever my latest project is.  Flattering, but sometimes hard to keep the merchandise moving in the right direction.

I also managed to complete 2 wool mat projects that I had started last winter and never finished.
This is a Jan Goos pattern,  I have lots of her patterns I want to work on!
This is a Maggie Bonanami pattern.  Maggie is another talented lady with several books and patterns that call to me frequently!
The 2 primitive mats are mine, mine, mine.  But someday I'd love to be able to design some of my own to make up and sell at our Prairie Market.
Don't forget that NJ & Co. has their monthly evening Ladies Night Out shopping event with refreshments this Thursday, Nov. 1st from 4:30-8 P.M.  It's always fun!  And it would be a great time to see the selection we have at the store and fill out a wish list.  Then send your Mr. in for the Men's Holiday Shopping Event!  It's on Nov. 8th, from 5:30-8P.M.  with Guy type refreshments, gift wrapping, and lots of help in shopping for the Mrs.!! 
NJ & Co., that's where you can see the Buffet, and the desk, and the Omaha Subway Dresser, yep, there were 2, and all the TONS of pumpkins!

Have a great week!


  1. That dresser looks amazing and I LOOOVVEEE those sweater pumpkins! I've never seen anything like them before!!

  2. Pinned the pumpkins. Hope your back is better too.


  3. That buffet really is one of my favorites! And those little sweater pumokins are totally adorable! Hope your back is feeling better!


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