Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Bee Twins Older Brother Comes To Visit

It was a dark and stormy...morning, when the Bee Twins Older Brother slunk out of the shadows and into...more shadows.  Ok, it was a crappy day to take a photo, but it was on my agenda and so by golly I muddled through it.  Sorry, but I'm tryin' to stay on schedule with my turn arounds before the Mr. takes away my keys and blocks CL from my computer. 

Older Brother was part of the set I purchased several weeks ago.  Here he is.
Large, chunky, and solid, solid Oak.  This is a truly functional piece of furniture.  See these gorgeous knobs?
It's a nice drawer for remotes, manuals, more remotes, and lots of other goodies. 

BOTH ends open up for even more storage.  Think games, a blanket or snugglie, magazine storage.
Nice and deep storage...with air holes in case the little people in your house decide to "hide" the cat in there...or their little brother.  It does have safety piano hinges that I had not reattached when I took the the dark and stormy light. 
This Bad Boy is going to be for sale at the Mini Prairie Market coming up soon.  More on that in a later post, but hint, hint there's a Prairie Market button at the top of the page.
Look, beadboard panels, sigh.  Aren't they dreamy? and Cottagey? and Beachy?  This is one hansome Older Brother!  Color is AS Old White, distressed, and waxed to within an inch of his life! 

Have a great day!


  1. i love those chunky legs! and love how it opens, too- it is a charmer!

  2. Wow, what a great, sturdy piece, Deb! I'll bet it was a pleasure to work on. Love the storage it offers, too. I love pieces that provide double duty.


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