The word Liebster is a german word meaning "favorite" and the award is designed to recognize and promote blogs that have less than 200 followers, aaaaaaaand there's 5 rules that go along with it:
1 Thank the person that gave it to you. Thanks a Buch Nikki!
2 Link back to their blog
3 Put the award in your blog
4 Present the award to 3-5 blogs with less than 200 followers
5 Leave a comment to let those blogs know that you've recognized their awesomeness!
Here are a few blogs I am enjoying right now, and I feel deserve this award...Check em out and show some love!
These ladies are some of my hometown buddies and business partners. They are awesomely talented ladies and dear friends. Enjoy!
Kathleen athttp://karymade.blogspot.com/
Suzanne athttp://www.srobinsnest.com/
Tammy at http://theprairiepixie.blogspot.com/
(I'm hoping we can entice Tammy into posting again soon, so fill up her comment box with some encouragment!! ;-) )
Enjoying an early Spring day, hope you are too!
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