It had so many mismatched pieces of hardware that we just started over. I thought the Linen color might be more creamy in nature, but I would day it is not at all far off from Ironstone to my untrained eye. Maybe if I had 2 pieces sitting side by side with both paints I might see the difference.
This piece chipped heavily without nearly balding itself! :-) I am so darn technical these days...
If you like primitive pieces, which I do have a fondness for, you will love this piece. And yes, there have been those around my house that shake their head and wonder why I would say this piece is finished and ready to sell. To each their own I say!
Actually I have an extremely healthy love for all styles and types of furnishings which is why my own home is such an eclectic collection. It makes me all warm and fuzzy to have that collected look of worn hand me downs, new and stylish, and a bit of the unconventional thrown in once in a while. I am perfectly content being a bit conflicted on my decorating style!
Hope Spring is blooming where you are cuz it's cold here today!! Deb
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And a HUGE Thank You to Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, for featuring my Sheet Music Dresser this week!
My Sheet Music Dresser was featured at: