Thursday, July 5, 2012


Back in 2010 and 2011 when I was first contemplating where I wanted to go with a little side business a lot of options ran through my mind.  Many were discounted immediately because I just knew I couldn't make some time commitments and still be where I wanted to be with my family.  As the wife of a retired Army officer who is working his second career still closely tied to the military I knew that I needed to be flexible for those many times that I am solo-parenting while he travels. I LOVE the concept that my friends and I came with for occasional sales modeled very much after the sales the ladies of Elizabeth & Co. host.  Our sales are so much fun, and we have been so grateful for the huge amounts of support from friends, old and new, who come to shop with us.

Earlier this year a new opportunity presented itself and I opted to grow and expand my individual operation a bit.  I'm going to be renting a space at a brand spankin' new boutique that is opening here in Omaha.  I am extremely excited about the potential of this business that is run by a savvy mother and daughter team.  NJ & Co. will be opening August 1st if all goes according to the reno. schedule.
The rest of it's title Furnishings, Frocks, and Finds pretty much says it all.  It will be an upscale boutique with re purposed and new furniture and furnishings, fun finds, home decor, unique and current fashion trends, jewelry and accessories.  It's going to be awesome and I hope all of you will come by and check it out at 17650 Wright Street, Suite #4, Omaha, NE.    You can also find them at:  Stop by and "like" them when you get a minute.  There are sneak peeks at some of the great vendors and the lines they will be carrying!

I will still be working with the Prairie Market Ladies!  We will still be hosting our sales,  the next one is in October so check out the button above for updates.  We will be looking for you then!  This is just a personal challenge for me to grow a bit with something that I really, truly love to do.  Thank you for supporting me, and the other ladies, and allowing us to share with you our creative endeavors!

NJ & Co. is going to be a place you love to come for special items for you, to shop for special gifts, and to see what is hot and the newest in trends!!  Can't wait to run into you there also!

Please let it cool off soon!


  1. That is very exciting news Deb! I know you will be a smashing success! And I'll be able to say that I knew you from the very beginning!

  2. Can't wait to come visit you in your new digs!

  3. That is fantastic! What wonderful news. You've really got it going girl! Congrats!!!!


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