Monday, June 4, 2012

Sunny summertime

Which is why I keep hearing the water running in this house!  The super soakers are out and the neighbors are being subjected to lots of screams and screeches, but it beats the "I'm bored" drumbeat on what, the 2nd week of school vacation!  Holy Cow it might just be a loooooooonnnnnnngggggg summer!

I'm staying busy at least!  Here is one of my latest finishes.
I'd say it was a fast one, but anytime upholstery and I cross paths it never seems as simple as it probably should be.  I'm sorry I didn't take a before, or maybe you should thank me for that!  It actually had a separate pillow top that I did away with, and some lovely mauve colored 1980's fabric covering it. 
Think about it, when was the last time you said "mauve" or saw much in that color for that matter.

I think this is much more fun than "mauve"!  I love the sleek black legs.  And this fabric is so bright and fun.  I really wish I had a room in my house where it would work darn it!  It's super comfy, and super sturdy, and I think super cute once again!

Have a SUPER week now!


  1. I personally love the little projects. They are like instant gratification! I applaud you for all your effort in staple gunning that darn material in place! I get you...I get you!!

  2. Fabulous! I redid a similar stool ( It's amazing how the same stool can look so differently with different approaches! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I have a cute little bench waiting to be finished, and I keep putting it aside - after seeing this - TODAY is the day to finish it! Love the colors!


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