Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Lonesome Dove Dresser

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Does everyone have these strange moments when you are working on a piece of furniture and you know just what the post title will be before you even finish it?  Hello?  Hello?  

Well Lonesome Dove here started out as a good idea that ended up being a hot mess.  Really, I was doing this awesome job of brushing paint on every which way in a pile of "complimentary" colors.  Ha!  It was pretty bad, and what do you do when you think it's bad, but you really don't want to start completely over...Distress it...a lot.

And then you end up liking it.  It's now not a hot mess, but rustic.  Viola!
It's a combination of ASCP in Old White, Old Ochre, and Coco.
Love these big ole wooden knobs.  Sweet.
Huge, deep drawers and solid wood construction.  Does it look familiar?  I've had others just like this one that came out of a sorority house remodel.  I have more too...yee haw!
You just never know sometimes how it's all going to turn out.  And sometimes that's the best part.

Goodbye Summer!


  1. very cute and cottagey! love its name!:)

  2. Hey there's nothing wrong with making your own phenominal color. that's what I call all mine by the way! You know the color you get that you didn't really mean to make...but it works anyway! haha. This looks great by the way!


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