You've seen the numbers thing from me before. I don't even like math people...seriously. I do like words and word games so you'd think I'd try an alphabet something. Nope. I keep going back to the numbers.
This table didn't even start out as a table. The base is from a Hall Tree stand. It was in pieces and not going to be a simple repair, so ta da...repurposed! The Colors are Heirloom Traditions Paint Irish Creme over Black Velvet/Raven. Love, love Irish Creme, it's such a pretty color.
Just look at all of those dad gum numbers. Wish I liked Math.
The Twice Nice Booth (#43) at the Brass Armadillo is stocked with my first order of Heirloom Traditions Paints! In addition to the new colors you can also find new colored waxes and spray waxes. I'll be putting in another order soon to expand our selections for you. Time to work on those Holiday projects or get your house glammed up for the Holiday parties!
Not local, that's ok...there is a shop button in the top right hand corner of this page. Shop all the colors and both lines of paint and it will be delivered right to your doorstep!
Have a great weekend!