Well, that was a nice long nap! It feels almost awkward to come back after such a lonnnnnnng break. There really is no great explanation. Big sale, need to get to some fall activities with the kids, new computer to figure out, some custom work to complete post sale, some relaxing girl time and some days just to veg out finally. I'm not saying I have a handle on it yet, not with the holidays suddenly upon us, but I do feel refreshed and ready to move ahead. So, I'm sorry if you missed me, and I hope some of you actually noticed, ha!
Here is a quick finish that I had, a bit of a success and a bit of a fail. I will probably end up redoing this puppy so just wait for round 2, but just in case someone thinks it's just so easy peasy, and that I always get great results the first time out here is my reality check for us all.
I tried a photo transfer with some photo transfer gel. Let me just say that it was not the product that created my problems. It worked just as it was designed to do. Very fun, and relatively easy. I just kept thinking that I needed to keep working off the back of the paper. My bad, I ended up taking off a bit too much. This photo reminds me of a place in Colorado, Central City, and the old saloon there with a painting of the "lady on the ballroom floor". I think her name was Dolly, and that's what I've been calling my cowgirl with her six shooter, her poker chips, and the grin!
In my defense I will say that old photos are not the most color rich in the first place. Then blow it up to such a large size and you can lose a lot of definition. I just was a little too zealous with my 'cleaning' process. I could probably be happy with her, but the face lost a bit too much in my estimation. Darn it, I love how this could have turned out. So one of these days I'll probably take a sander to that center panel and reprise it and blow up another picture and try it again. Wish me luck next time!
In the meantime she will just live here with me until I can work to beautify her a bit more.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving counting your many blessings!