Friday, May 3, 2013

Fallen off a Cliff??

I haven't....really.  I have been on a marathon of completing a few long over due projects.  Hopefully I'll actually be able to get some  photos of the new creations to share with you soon.  Hopefully it won't snow again too.   This weather has been stinkin' crazy and keeping my tiny little heater in the workshop working overtime.  I'm thankful it is not so frigid that it can't keep up, because I am so ready to move my painting operation out of the dining room!!!

The Prairie Market ladies met and set our new dates for the Fall sale.  Yes, we decided to forgo a Spring sale this year.  It was just so stressful to try and ramp up with such little nice weather to work in.  And boy did we get that right this year!  We've also added two new vendors as of now and there may be a few more join us.  I'll write more on that later and get my side bar and buttons updated soon.

I do have to come up for air, sleep, and to feed the family on occasion!  And while I was writing this my "picker" aka The Mr. texts me photos of more goodies.  I've "miles to go before I sleep..."  Gotta run!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Just remember, slow and steady wins the race! But gosh, it really is hard to make time for everything, isn't it?

  2. Ha! I get this 'state' you are in currently...well, except for the weather part. lol ;)

  3. At least you have someone picking for you. Otherwise you wouldn't even have time to pop this note on for us!


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