How about two in a row that are sweet and petite? Of course you can handle it!
I forgot the before photo of this one. But it was just the shell of a small side table/bookshelf in battered brown. Almost all of my pieces are battered. The Mr. calls the workshop the shelter for abused furniture. It was missing it's only shelf too, but not to worry. Viola`.
We made it a new shelf out of one I found floating around the thrift store. There was nothing wrong with the back of this piece, but I thought it might need a bit of pizazz. Since I follow Sweet Pickins blog and have watched Shauna's tutorial I gave it my own shot on some cedar boards I had around.
Paper napkins modge lodged on the boards. Since the boards were new to begin with I lightly sanded off the roughness and gave them a wash of paint in Weathered Wood, one of the new DIY Paint line paints. Love that color btw!
Is it considered an addiction if I confess that I have since gone out and bought 18 more packages of pretty napkins? I kid you not. I just love seeing the wood peek through them.
The colors used for this little sweetie are Vintage Linen and Petticoat Pink. DIY Paint line of course.
One of my partners in the Prairie Market just finished creating a beautiful dresser in these very same colors for the sale. Look for both pieces sitting together at the sale. You could make some young lady very, very happy!!
Happy Hump Day!
i LOVE how this turned out- so adorable!