Monday, February 4, 2013

Que Sera Sera

Whatever will be, will be...  I have no idea why that song popped into my head this evening, but it's there and I'm going to make it work!  One of the best parts of following blogs is making new like-minded friends.  One of the most helpful parts of following blogs is finding out about great products that are out there, or the best way to use a product, or even a different twist on using a product you've been using for years.  And I always love that you can find information so quickly about new products.  It would have taken me forever to find out about Annie Sloan Chalk Paint if I hadn't found so many trail blazers out there using it and sharing it.  Same thing with Miss Mustard Seeds Milk Paint line.  So, thank you to all who have shared, and those who will come along and share in the future!

I've used MMS Milk Paints on 3 different pieces so far, and it totally blows my mind how different the results were each time.  The first time I used Lucketts Green, a GORGEOUS color, with amazing results.  Not that much chipping actually, just a bit of gentle aging.  Loved it.  So fun to work with paint that has the ability to age itself.
The second time I tried milk paint I used Boxwood, an AMAZING color, with beautiful results.  It chipped, and chipped, but looked so very perfectly worn.  Wow, I actually wrote a disclaimer on the sales tag so that a buyer would know that it was perfectly safe paint and not something left to poison their children!  It had that much patina to it.  Loved it.

Last week I used Ironwood, a BEAUTIFUL color, with fabulous results. It chipped, and chipped, and chipped, and then I got worried that it was all going to keep chipping until it was off so I contacted an expert, MMS.  And I worried for naught.  Have a look.
Do you see why a couple of those drawers had me concerned?  I wanted chippy, but I also wanted it to appear to have paint on it.  But Holy Cow Batman, that is some amazing chipping!
The chipping was mainly in teeny, tiny flakes.  A bit like a dresser with dandruff.

MMS assured me that she'd not run across a piece that wouldn't stop chipping.  I suspect that I had just been so light with the wax the first time around that I hadn't gotten enough on to aid with that adherence.
The final result is probably not for everyone, but quite honestly it makes my heart go pitter-pat more than a bit.  I adore primitive pieces like this mixed in with my other furnishings.  Probably the most beautiful thing with MMS Milk Paint is that you never really know how a piece will react with the paint.  It's like watching a personality take on a life of it's own!  Unless you add the bonding agent of course.  What a great new product to have in your arsenal right?
So que sera sera, whatever will be, will be...
Have a wonderful week!
P.S.  My blog seems to have been hijacked with those weird link words that take you to ads.  I'm sorry, I'll have to see about how to address this EXTREMELY irritating issue.
update  FIXED!
Linking to:

Furniture Feature Fridays


  1. OMG is that fantastic or what????
    I haven't used milk paint yet - this really makes me realize I most definitely have to!
    Thanks for sharing - get this out to the parties now my friend!

  2. i love it! i love the well worn look. my issue is i feel it never photographs to look as good as it does in person, and the beauty is hard to convey on a screen.

  3. ok, first how did you fix that??? I have the same problem. And I love the luckets Green on this piece. My next piece is going to be a chippy piece too just need to get the hubs on board with a color!

  4. It's fun to see how they all turn out so differently.
    I like all of them! So far, I haven't had much chipping with the milk paint. Can't wait to try it again.
    Thanks for sharing,

  5. WOW! What great results! It's not available in Australia yet, but I would so like to try it! The white is absolutely my favourite!

  6. Such a difference in chipping. So far, my milk paint experience hasn't gone so well. Chipped almost all the way off. Not good for the control freak in me. Just looking at your pieces and I know I need to try again.

  7. Both pieces look amazing but my heart pulls more towards the extra chippy white piece. I am hoping to purchase some MMSMP this weekend and I hope I get the extra level of chipping that you did!! Great post!


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