Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Past Due Feature Thanks!

Ahh, all the minions are back at school happily ensconced with their friends and new teachers!  I do not seem to bounce from chaotic summer to solitary school year very quickly.  But I'm hoping to establish something of a more consistent schedule for myself soon!

That being said, this is a very belated thank you to Sharon of Elizabeth & Co. for featuring me last week at her link party!!  (Sorry Sharon).  Life sort of got in the way the last week, but I so appreciated the shout out for my Omaha Subway dresser.  Sharon is a very important person to me as she provided a tremendous amount of support and help with all my questions about their tag sales.  We used their sales as a model for what we developed into the Prairie Market.  I never miss reading her blog and checking out all the great links on her link parties.  Go check it out today, she's hosting another one right now! 

I've been more busy working on the "smalls" lately.  It's just the mood I've been in.  Immediate gratification, sometimes you've gotta have it!  All my photos still need to be edited, but I'll try and get a couple of more timely posts up this week.  I have plenty of big projects coming up though too, so stay tuned! 

Have a beautiful day!

1 comment:

  1. You are so sweet! And you are most welcome! Always happy to have you share your talent at our party and I'm so thrilled for the success of the Prarie Market!


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