Thursday, September 29, 2011

More Coffee Please!!!

It seems we are sprinting through September!  Two of my children have gotten older this month, with one fun birthday party still to come this weekend.  Marching band for the older two is in full swing, which means parades, and football games, and even some pep bands, and many early practices, and sectionals.  We've also had  volleyball practices and games for one of kiddos.  And now that they are older we are lucky enough to have great youth group programs at our church that they love attending.  All this just means that I have to take advantage of the hours they are tucked away in desks at school to get my work done.  It also means more and more coffee to keep me moving as we are in the home stretch before PP&PM! 

I can't remember if I showed you this before.
A very unflattering workshop picture where I didn't even bother setting the end table on it's feet!  Sheesh, that's bad.  I think I was taking some afters of one of the buffets, and turned around saw them and remembered I had not taken a before and snapped this before the sun set.  The story of my life these days, sunset photos.  Well, I finally got to these two this week.  They both got a nice little update.  I have to give thanks to my inspiration on the coffee table to Red Hen Home and her coffee table projects.  There have been many, many more out there in blog land that have also done this, so I'm not unique by any stretch, but it's the first time I've seen it in my "neck of the woods" and I hope someone out there will think they are a refreshing update on some very 80's tables.

The French postcard graphic from The Graphic Fairy (what an amazing site that is!) was transferred, handpainted, and then sanded down to distress it a bit.  Here is the Coffee tables friend, the End Table/Lamp Table, with his own small graphic a No. 3.

These two play nicely together, or seperately in a family or rec room.  They are wearing Annie Sloan's Old White chalk paint, lightly distressed, and multiple coats of wax to protect them. 

One of my neighbors drove by during the photo shoot and yelled out his window, "It looks like Nebraska Furniture Mart in there!"  Now, only locals to Nebraska and the Kansas City area understand what "the Mart" is, but it is a HUGE furniture store.  I'm hardly there, but I do have to say that I have a nice tidy bit of restyled furnishings for everyone's shopping pleasure so I hope you'll stop by for the Market!

Happy Thursday, Good Luck Dragons both band and football at your competitions this weekend, and yeah, Homecoming!
Linking to:

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

To Follow Up on the Versatile Blogger Award

Awards are great, they sometimes give us a boost on a bad day, they sometimes validate something we're doing when we wonder if it's really worth it, they are not the only way we can say way to go!  I just wanted to say that I appreciated it Jeanne, and pass on words of thanks to blogs where I more often than not "lurk" around without saying much of anything.  There are a bunch of very generous bloggers out there that share tutorials, share their personal experiences, share their expertise with us on a daily basis.  They entertain, they inform, they enlighten, they make me laugh, cry, think, and plan.  So, no, you do not have to participate in a chain form of recognition like The Versatile Blogger award, and I did not have any illusions that most of those ladies I chose to recognize yesterday would.  If they want to, and have time to, great, but I just wanted those ladies to know that they in some way had touched my life in this crazy blogosphere.  That they had influenced me in some regard.  So Thanks to those ladies, and thanks to a whole slew of others that I did not say thanks to yesterday!  You are all worthy and deserving of my thanks!  I appreciate so much your talents, your generous sharing spirits, and the fact that I am fortunate enough to have found your Blogs and can join you on your journey and share mine with you!


Monday, September 26, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award!!

Jeanne from Perfect Imperfections gave me The Versatile Blogger Award!  Well, me and 14 other lovely ladies, but I'm pretty stoked at being acknowledged! I immediately went and changed out of my pj's, they just seemed too casual for accepting an award. Thank you Jeanne!!!  Sometimes you think you might be talking to yourself when you have a fairly new blog, so it is more fun than I can tell you to meet other bloggers out there and connect.  Jeanne does amazing work on furniture and my favorite project of hers is "The Beast".  Mostly because it is an awesome restyle and I am very familiar with furniture that I would also refer to as "Beasts".   I am very new to this award stuff, so I'll try to do this right.

As a recipient of The Versatile Blogger Award, there are 3 rules to follow…
1.  Thank the person who awarded you.
2.  Tell 7 things about yourself that your readers may not know.
3.  Award 15 other bloggers with this award.

Thank you again Jeanne,and here goes!
7 Things you might not know about me:
1.  God is an awesome presence in my life, and I hope I live and bring glory to him with my actions.
2.  I cry every time I hear the National Anthem...EVERY TIME. 
3.  I also cry during Hallmark commercials.
4.  I've moved homes 27 times in my lifetime. 
5.  I'm a bit of a homebody at times.  I find I get a bit cranky when we've been on the go,go,go too much with no down time.  Could be because of #4
6.  Fishing & Camping are my idea of a perfect vacation.  Unless we're talking Hawaii, and no tents please.
7.  I'm a bit of a weather nerd.  I find it all fascinating, and I like to be prepared for all the day may throw at me.

Now the hard part, because there are more than 15 blogs out there that I follow and am inspired by.  So, I'm trying to acknowledge all of those that helped me to decide that I could try my hand at the furniture restyling business. 
1.  Marian@Miss Mustard Seed
2.Cassie@Primitive & Proper
3.Flo@Go With the Flo
4.  Amy & Emily @Sisters of the Wild West
5.  Colleen@The Painted Turtle
6.  Sharon@Elizabeth and Company
7.  Katie@Wildwood Creek
8.  Beth@Unskinny Boppy
9.  Lesley@The Homeless Finch
10.  Amanda@The Ivy Cottage
11. Betsy@Betsy Speerts Blog
12.  Tammy@The Prairie Pixie
13.  Kathleen@Kathleen Creations
14.  Suzanne@S Robin Everyday
15.  Julie@The Painted Parlor

So, thanks again Jeanne!!  This has been fun.  Hope you'll all visit Jeanne and all these great ladies blogs.  I wish I could acknowledge all 30 or 40 that I follow almost every day!
There are so many truly inspiring people out here!