Sunday, September 1, 2013

She's 17

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16 years ago this photo was taken of our daughter Michaela.

We were in Nanchang, China and we met this most perfect, precious little girl , and we were instantly in love.  One of our fellow travelers shot this photo and sent it to us, so the one and only copy is taped down in a photo album.  So excuse the poor photo quality, but I love this picture of her so.

Here she is now, 17 years old today,
still so precious, so serene, and beautiful.  I can hardly believe that these years have passed so quickly.  I can not fathom yet, the idea of her leaving home to go to college in less than a year.  I have no idea how I will live without seeing her quiet smile, and twinkling eyes every day.  I cry too for her birth mother who made a difficult decision and has not had the privilege of watching her grow up into a Godly young woman of great character. A young lady who loves her family, adores all animals, is smart and thoughtful.  God gave us this child to raise, love and cherish and we are so eternally thankful for his gracious gift!  Michaela, we love you and are so proud of you and who you've become.
There are some great days ahead of you daughter!  There will be tough times too, but look to those who love you and with God's help we will find the sunshine every time.  
I wish you great joy today and every day of your life!  Happy Birthday sweetheart!
Mom, Dad, Madison, & Ellarie
professional photos by Laura Cejka Photography


  1. happy happy birthday to your beautiful baby girl; she will always be your baby after all! :)

  2. So beautiful! and I hate that these beautiful girls have to grow older and leave our nests but I she is so very lucky to have you on her side and behind her every step of her life.

  3. Happy birthday to Michaela! We are so proud of her and all her achievements, we admire her discipline, hard work, honesty, and personality. We wish the best for her, you guys are so lucky to have each other. God is always going to bless you for giving all your love and support to all your girls.

  4. So beautiful - Michaela and her coming into your lives.
    What a blessing,


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