Saturday, July 20, 2013

Lovely Side Tables and Lovely Daughters

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I'm just popping back from a nice little family reunion break.  Good to see all the extended family and make some new memories and retell a few old tales!  The work never ends though, and I'll be back at it strong by Monday after I wade through the mounds of laundry and enjoy some of our small town "Gretna Days" activities.  Just had some time for a quick share of a project finished last month, but never shared.  A friend found me an amazing side table at a Garage Sale and I had a chance to give it a makeover towards the end of June in between other projects.

It has a wonderful sculpted cut marble top!  Beautiful colors in it and pretty little brass caster feet.  I left the brass hardware as they were perfect for the piece.
The paint color is ASCP in Old White with light distressing.  
Whoa, that orange bowl casts a wicked glow I'm now seeing.  Anyway, it's a wonderful piece for someone who needs an awesome side table in the living room or bedroom and is for sale.  Let me know if you want first dibs!

Our Summer is going too fast in some ways, and too slow in others.  I think there have been enough school activities (band) for the girls not to become too bored, but enough dead time that they'd rather be in school with their friends.  One of our must dos this summer were Senior portraits for my oldest!!  I know, it freaks me out too that she grew up that darn fast!!  We ended up having a lovely young lady from our church take her photos a few weeks ago. Laura had just begun her photography career, Laura C Photography,  and did a gorgeous job with my lovely daughter!  I highly recommend her for those of you in the Omaha area.  Here are a couple of the photos.  I can't even say they are my favorites as I honestly can't choose my favorite!  So many were wonderful.  

And one of all 3 of my lovely young ladies!
I know I don't normally talk much about my life outside of the furniture business, but these gals are my greatest blessings!  They make life fun and full of love.  They sparkle!!  I am so proud and honored to be their Mother.  And while it kills me to think of them leaving the safe little nest here at home, I am happy to see them excited about all life has to offer.  Love you to the moon and back Michaela, Madison, and Ellarie!
These ladies are my most fabulous reveal of all!!



  1. How did this happen? They are so grown up and so beautiful. I think they should be Ellie's size forever. Beautiful photos, beautiful girls.

  2. such gorgeous girls! i love the photo of all 3!

  3. Beauties. Every one of them! And now I have to pick my favorite of the senior photos just because I can...... I can't either.


  4. Oh my goodness Deb, I am so happy to meet your daughters! They are absolutely gorgeous girls and they look so happy! You must be one proud momma! ... Seeing them grow up right before your eyes is hard and wonderful all at the same time!


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