Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Daydream Believer

Carrying on with the iPod inspired blog titles.  Playing right now, Davy Jones (God Bless Him) and the Monkees singing "Daydream Believer".  This should tie in very nicely with this next piece which just happens to be a Mid-Century Modern piece!  "Don't you just love it when a plan comes together?"  Who said it? And I've obviously dated myself with my music AND my quotes.

Moving on,  I scored another sweet MCM piece not too long ago.  It seems to be about the only thing I can snag these days.  They've grown on me, they surely have.  Her before's show HER age for certain, but we can change all that pretty darn quick around here.
Poor old tops, they certainly go first.  Lots of sanding the Mr. helped me with on this one!  Then choosing just the right shade of lipstick paint she started perking right up.
Ah, that's better.  No distressing, just pure Emperor's Silk Chalk Paint and some new hardware paint to freshen the "jewelry" so to speak.
I'd say, "sleepy Jean" is waking up and lookin' good.
As for the top, we sanded I stained and found some issues with the stain not taking in spots.  So, we sanded again and slightly better, but not what I loved seeing.  That's when Plan B kicked in.  It took a while to decide what we could do to salvage a bit of the wood and yet keep it looking good.  
That's where this nice little flower design came in.  Kind of like the old "flower power" flowers of the 60's and 70's.  I love the dotted star design in the center.  They let some of the pretty wood peek through, yet give this piece a fresh and fun little punch.  (As if the color were not enough!)
I hate to label this just a dresser.  I think it would be fun in any room as a nice bright punch of color.  I took this piece and 2 others down to NJ & Co. this afternoon.  Hopefully someone will find her and take her home soon.  If you haven't stopped by NJ & Co. (near HuHot on West Center Rd., Omaha) you really should.  The clothing vendors have some gorgeous new Spring pieces in, the store is stocked up with artwork, and all forms of home decor, the new jewelry is so very shiny (I love shiny), and I'll be taking several more pieces down there in the next week or two.  Ladies' Night Out the first Thurs. of every month 6-8 p.m.  

Hope the sun is shining on you wherever you are!
Linking to:

Furniture Feature Fridays


  1. Wow!! Beautiful!! And are those decals you used!? Love!!

  2. You are on a roll finding mid-century pieces! Love the red and the hardware. And the flowers are a fun and unexpected surprise!

  3. love this- so fun! i want to paint something red!

  4. That bright red woke sleepy Jean right up!



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