Monday, October 8, 2012

Two Tone Dresser, Husker Chair, & PRAIRIE MARKET!

It's been a busy couple of weeks here on the ranch, ok cul-de-sac.  Final touches and less running of gratuitous errands for everyone in order to complete MOST of the pieces that I wanted to.  Whew!  Since I've been MIA for so long I'll give you more than 1 lookie-loo tonight. 
I just really thought I'd never purchase Annie Sloan's Empire Silk Chalk Paint.  How could I have been so wrong?!  It's beautiful, and yes, this is straight on with clear wax.  I've seen what the dark wax can do for it too.  Hmmm, I see more fun projects in my future with this paint.  I live in Nebraska, I am a Husker fan, this chair when I inherited it immediately brought to mind the Cornhuskers, and since I'd had so much fun with the Omaha subway dresser I had to try a twist on it.

There is an ASCP Old White base coat underneath, except where you see "Blackshirts".  That's what we call our defense, so of course there is a black base under that section.  It turned out well with it's key Nebraska football phrases.  And it sold almost before I could tag it!
Here's another version of the sorority dresser.  I had 3 of these, and I think I forgot to show you a photo of the first painted in Paris Gray before it was delivered to it's new owner.  Drat it!  I'll have to get one off of my phone.  This one is in the Versailles green that I think is such a soothing shade.  Perfect for a bedroom and this is one of those dressers that actually really holds clothing.  Big deep drawers made for sweaters and t-shirts and more, more, more...Bwah..ha.ha..ha....It could be the stain fumes are getting to me, sorry.
Finally, I think you'll like this one, it actually resided in my home for the last 18 years.  We purchase it from an antique dealer in Leavenworth, KS.  It's been through 6 moves since then and survived them!  
I thought the drawers were just too gorgeous to paint, but the sides had there little blemishes so I opted to go with the 2 tone effect.  Along the way the top had been replaced with a large oak piece that matched well enough that I didn't notice it for several years.  At any rate, I wanted to pretty it up a bit and added a stenciled pattern to it.  Fun for me to stencil again, it's been years and years really!
A true beauty, do you see the lions claws on the mirror harp?  Sigh.

Now, I'm off to get busy because THE PRAIRIE MARKET will be here in a few days!!!
Make sure you stop by and say hi if you are anywhere in the area.  I promise you won't regret it!!
9 to 5, October 12 & 13th

Have a fantastic fall week!
Linking up to these parties:


  1. Fabulous projects, one and all! The desk is really fun and I love the mix of painted and natural wood. I know how crazy it is right before a sale. You keep thinking you can fit in one more project. Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. they are all cite, but oh oh oh that dresser. i think i love it.

  3. Beautiful work! I'm so happy I found your page! :) That desk is darling!!!!!!

  4. What beautiful projects! I love that dresser. It's perfect! Megan


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