Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Time to study

It's that time of year again.  The time where we relearn what it takes to buckle down and study and make the grade!  The girls are all back at it, and hitting the books hard!  So far, so good, and it doesn't happen by accident or without a lot of dedication.
How's that for a segue?  This pretty old desk used to reside in a sorority house, because caring alums provided their girls with the proper equipment to get good grades.  I have no idea of it's exact age or for how many years it served at the house, but the top drawer has a place to hold an ink well.  Just sayin'.  There aren't many pieces built today that would last through as many "owners" as this desk has had and look even remotely this good.  However, it was begging for a makeover. 
The color inspiration came from a bed and dresser that I completed earlier this summer for a young lady.  The desk, if it meets their approval, may be added to their home.  I'll have to find those photos, as it included a dresser that matches the desk that also came out of the sorority house.
The top originally had a Formica top glued on.  It was a pine plank top underneath.  We left that and filled and sanded it smooth.  I did opt to try out a technique that I've wanted to use since I first saw it on Lake Girl Paints.  I asked Deb if she would mind if I tried out her tutorial directions on this piece and she graciously encouraged me to give it a go!  Deb's table was so bright and fun.  For this piece I wanted it to blend with the Paris Gray chalk paint and I toned my colors down a bit with a light wash over the top and, because I could, I used a bit of silver metallic in the wax to make the top shimmer a bit.  Lake Girl Paint's texture blast table is the matching table to my chess table redo, and it still took me months to figure out that she lives not far from me and we evidently shop at the same thrift store! :-)  I LOVE her techniques and finishes.  Check her out!
Here's a little better view of the top, and the chevron lining I added to the drawers, because this desk has had 50+ years of use!
My friend Tammy suggested that I repeat those top colors on the knobs to make it a bit more fun and funky.  Good call!  I love how it makes the knobs pop.  Hopefully my young client likes this desk as much as I do! 

You know what the best part of this is....I have 3 more of these desks just waiting for some TLC.  I have big plans for the next one.  Oh yes I do!  Check back often so you can see what I end up doing with desk #2!

Have a super fine week!
Linked to these Super Fab Parties!


  1. this is so fun! i love how the top turned out, deb!

  2. Oh neat! I would have never come up with that fun, funky style. That is she loves it!

  3. Sounds like a creative desk frenzy going on out there! This one is really fun! And I love those knobs!

  4. I love it and I have to agree with the knob choice!! PERFECTION!!
    You know I love and support you!! Yay, good job! :)

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