Sunday, October 16, 2011


The Ladies of Prairie Pickers & Peddlers Market wish to thank all of our supporters and customers who came by on Friday and Saturday just to say hi and admire, to shop, to say such kind and encouraging things to us, and to let us know that no matter what they were proud of our focus and efforts.  We had two fabulous days and feel very encouraged that there are people out there who love our pieces as much as we do.  And to our families, we are grateful that you were ok with eating sandwiches for dinner again and letting us finish waxing something, or overlooking the dust bunny as it skirted across the floor!  You supported us and made it possible to stretch our wings and let us fly!Thanks for being our biggest cheerleaders!
Here are more of the before photos that I promised the other night.
A couple of the Misters working hard and eyeing the baked goods!
And the Prairie Pickers minus Kirstin who missed the photo shoot from the first day.  I'll have to get photos from the 2nd day from someone that shows all 5 of us!
Thank you all!
And finally here are all 5 of us together!  Sassy girls all!


  1. looks amazing! love how colorful and happy everything is!

  2. You look like a group of fun, sassy girls! You know I want all the details!

  3. So jealy. Wish I had a few friends who enjoyed the same things that I do!! You are so fortunate to have that!! Where there any owls left over?? I would love to buy one if you do shipping??


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