Wednesday, October 19, 2011

For the Cause

Now that things have calmed down a bit over here I have had time to take a look at what was happening around me.  Lots, I tell you.  Sometimes you become so focused on a goal that you miss some very important things.  Well, better late than sorry I think!  October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and while I count my blessings that I don't personally know anyone fighting this particular battle at this time, I do know that millions of women and men are going through treatments.  I decided this afternoon that "Cupcake" would be the perfect donation item for this month.  Mostly, because she is so very PINK!!  How perfect did that work out?  So here's the deal.  If anyone here in the Omaha area would like to purchase "Cupcake" during the month of October, you go home with her, and the price is donated to the Susan G. Komen Fund for Breast Cancer!!  How cool is that?!  You get the dresser and we can sit down together to make the donation in your name or mine.  Here's some photos to remind you of what Cupcake looks like.
She sells for $145.
Please contact me at
if you are interested in purchasing this dresser and having the proceeds donated.
Local only, sorry, Omaha area.
Encourage those you love to keep up with their annual Mammograms!

Have a great Wednesday!


  1. what an awesome idea, deb! i love this!!!!

  2. Great idea, Miss Debbie! Just another example of your kind and generous spirit!

  3. Love the colors you chose for the dresser! Thank you for linking up to Habitat Heros and for your kind donation.

  4. I featured this today on my blog for the Habitat Heros link party! She's so cute and you are so sweet!! Come grab a button!


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