Friday, June 10, 2011

A Little Sweet

Some great things come in small packages.  This sweet little nightstand/end table is not old, but it was very well constructed and a wonderful size for any room in the house.  I also really, really needed something to try my Old White Chalk Paint on.  Here is the before picture.
Not a single thing really wrong with it.  Pretty, hefty hardware, nice solid oak, 3 working felt lined drawers. Here she is after 2 coats of Old White, a bit of distressing, and a coat of clear wax.  
Here's the close up view.
I think what I love the most about chalk paint is the way it feels after sanding between coats and distressing. It's just like BUTTA baby!  So soft and velvety  to the touch.  A good wax will protect her from the normal uses and traumas of everyday life.  I would love to keep this one, sigh, I really do have an issue with becoming too attached.  However, she will be looking for her new home .  If you live near Omaha shoot me an email and I'll be happy to send you all the particulars on this piece or any of the above posted pieces.  Thanks for visiting today and have a super fun weekend!


  1. Can you please tell me the name of this paint?

    1. In 2011 I was using Annie Sloan Paints, this color is Old White. I now retail paint lines with Heirloom Traditons Paint & Vintiques Paint by Heirloom Traditions. The best color match with those paints is Antique Lace in the Vintiques line. I have information about ordering those paints online and a discount code at the top of my blog page if you are interested. Thanks!

    2. thank you! I want to paint my kitchen table white but not modern white. I like the old, vintage look. Can you recommend a color (I am looking at antique and white cottage lace) and finish?
      Thank you

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