Monday, May 23, 2011

Parting is such sweet sorrow...

This is Madeline, I found her on CL with the description, "primed and ready for painting". Well, who can resist that, and of course her very pretty little feet. My Mr. picked her up for me and sure enough she was primed, very heavily primed, primed so that her drawers wouldn't even close or were wedged shut and needed to be pried back out! And when I thought I could just sand back some of the primer and soldier on I found that under the HEAVY prime coat were 2 or 3 other equally heavy coats of paint. You know what that means right?? Stripper, and lots of sweat to remove all those layers. Not my favorite part of reviving furniture, but there were those cute feet, and nice trim and solid, dovetailed drawers, etc.

I'm pleased to say that Madeline cleaned up so beautifully with a few coats of SW "Creamy", new hardware, and a nice wax polish. It's funny, but after all the work stripping her down to bare wood, and then 3 nice even layers of paint I just couldn't take a sanding block to her and shabby her up. It will just have to happen naturally now, I thought she should start out fresh, clean and neat! Madeline went home with her new family last night where I know she's going to be well-loved and taken care of! Seriously, a nice, solidly built piece like this will stand the test of time and be around to pass from generation to generation for years to come. So, for all the whimpering and groaning I did through layer after layer of paints and stains, it is so, so worth the time it took.

Many more reveals to come this week! Despite how attached I get to my furniture, most of my pieces are for sale to folks in the greater Omaha area. Contact me for more information.

Thanks for letting me share Madeline today, hope you are having a wonderful Monday!



  1. Wow, Deb! sounds like a ton of work went into fixing it up! It looks fabulous~ so fresh and new!

  2. Thanks Kim. It was a lot work, but very satisfying in the end.


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